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35 Sobering Alcoholism Statistics and Facts for 2024

Alcohol-induced blackouts occur in the hippocampus part of your brain, where memory consolidation happens, and it creates a blockage of long-term memory from forming. This is why people have bits and pieces of memory from the night when they black out. Eventually, the more someone drinks, the more their bodies depend on alcohol, as what was once enough for someone slowly increases over time. The more you drink, the more likely you are to suffer from addiction and more severe health problems as alcohol is a highly addictive substance. Alcohol dependence develops over time and depends on many different factors like genetics and other environmental factors.

  • According to the American Heart Association, moderate alcohol consumption increases good HDL cholesterol and reduces plaque buildup in the arteries.
  • A significant proportion of the disease burden attributable to alcohol consumption arises from unintentional and intentional injuries, including those due to road traffic crashes, violence, and suicide.
  • Alcohol is one of the most widely available and easily accessible addictive substances.
  • Adverse health impacts and social harm from a given level and pattern of drinking are greater for poorer societies.
  • Though it has a genetic component, many believe other components put one equally or even more at risk for AUD.

Alcohol-related deaths in Idaho are more likely to be older, chronic alcohol users. Many people who suffer from alcoholism find help with Alcoholics Anonymous. And we already know that these same children have a greater risk of developing severe physical and mental birth defects. These statistics on alcohol were provided by the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. That’s a lot of people living with this disorder, and steps need to be taken to reduce the number.

Alcohol Awareness: 20 Key Facts

This is apparently due to an exceptionally high rate of poisoning deaths. Death from excessive alcohol use is on the rise in Colorado, catching up to national averages, and the rate of binge drinkers is high. Alcohol Alcoholism Statistics abuse, alcoholism, and alcohol use disorder (AUD) kill over 3 million people each year, accounting for up to 6% of global deaths. Genetics is the underlying cause of alcohol use disorder 50% of the time.

  • Percentage change in total per capita ethanol consumption by State, United States, 2020–2021.
  • The results revealed that the general risk of obstructive sleep apnea rose by 25% among individuals who drank alcohol to a greater degree than people who consume low quantities of alcohol or none at all.
  • Although those in lower income or educational status groups often drink less overall, they are more likely to have lower-frequency, higher-intensity drinking patterns.
  • Whether you want to continue enjoying a regular drink or two, cut back on your consumption, or ditch the booze altogether, there’s no judgment from us.
  • Humans liked that tipsy feeling so much that when they switched to being farmers and living in stable communities, they started trying to make the stuff deliberately.

Alcohol is a psychoactive substance with dependence-producing properties that has been widely used in many cultures for centuries. The harmful use of alcohol causes a high burden of disease and has significant social and economic consequences. Global data on the prevalence and effectiveness of alcohol use disorder treatment is incomplete.

Alcohol can actually *cool things off*

In this section, we’ll be exploring how alcoholism relates to gender, in this case, specifically women. American Addiction Centers (AAC) is committed to delivering https://ecosoberhouse.com/ original, truthful, accurate, unbiased, and medically current information. We strive to create content that is clear, concise, and easy to understand.

interesting statistics on alcoholism

Americans drink less beer and more wine than they used to, according to the NIAAA. Since 1970, the peak year for beer consumption was 1981, when the typical American age 21 or older drank 36.7 gallons. Over those four decades, the amount of wine the average American drank annually rose from 3.2 gallons to 3.8 gallons. Meanwhile, consumption of distilled spirits dropped slightly, from 3.0 to 2.8 gallons.