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How to Use Governance Online Meetings

Governance Online meetings can take on a variety of forms but the key to successful governance meetings is to ensure that participants can communicate with one another the same manner as when they Virtual board portals were in person. This includes sharing screens, video and voice calls, and allowing instant questions and responses. This means that anyone could be removed from a meeting at any moment, if they are disruptive or inconsiderate. They should also receive an email with a copy of their record.

The chairperson, or the president of the meeting, must ensure that the meeting is on schedule. Governance meetings should be organized with strict agendas and time limits for each item. This will ensure that rules of governance that are required by law are adhered to also, and if an external person is looking into the governance session, they might be looking for evidence.

Ideally, governance meetings are scheduled every week, but this isn’t always possible for all teams. If you’re just beginning with Roles, it is ideal to schedule your initial handful of meetings close to each other. As your team grows more comfortable working in Roles, you can then reduce the frequency of meetings.

It is also beneficial to schedule short check-in calls between governance meetings to keep the team in touch and give those who have concerns or questions to get their issues resolved. It’s also a fantastic opportunity to strengthen relationships between the leadership team at the top.